Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Raw Collard Green Wrap

I'm from the south and collard greens and cornbread were a staple at family dinners and get-togethers; topped with either hot sauce or vinegar. If you are really from the south, you laid down the fork and ate with your fingers. As many times as I've helped in the kitchen pulling the collard leaf from the stem, it never dawned on me to even attempt to eat it raw. There was no reason to. I'd never seen my mom or grandmother eat them that way.

So, after 30+ years of eating cooked collard greens, I wanted to finally try them raw. You can too with this simple dish. The filling is made of broccoli slaw, carrots, red and yellow peppers, sprouts and cilantro. For the Spicy, Mint Mango sauce, blend 1 mango, 1/2 jalapeno pepper, 1/4 c fresh mint.